universal Boiler
Having the Cylinder shell, flue plates and combustion chamber and the boiler sheet & boiler steel plate manufactured from HI-Hl; and also the smoke tubes are seamless boiler tubes according to DIN 17155. This ensures high efficiency in Flue gases, formed as a result of good combustion, pass through convection surfaces and leave the boiler without causing low temperature corrosion. Maximum heat transfer and high efficiency (88- 90%) is obtained.
It can easily respond sudden demands of great (huge) amount of steam. Coupled with a large evaporation surface and large steam storage volume, it has a large and corrugated combustion chamber. It’s Hydraulic test applied at 1.5 times higher than the operating pressure.
Also, to be noted that the combustion chamber is easily reachable from the explosion gate, the smoke tubes are easily reachable from the front door and the water-side is easily reachable from the manhole and the handholes.

The temperature in the system can reach up to 300°C at atmospheric pressure, while the Heat Carrying Oil does not cause sedimentation, corrosion or crust.
With this Boiler, the thermal oil does not need conditioning and there is no risk of freezing in cold weather.
The outlet temperature can be adjustable up to 300°C and the thermal oil can be used either to reach high temperatures or to produce steam, hot water or superheated water.
Steam Boilers with Pneumatic Combustion System is a Watercum-Firetubes Packaged Steam Boiler which can burn Dust and Hazelnut Coal, Combustible Industrial Waste, Liquid and Gas Fuel.
In this system, it burns the solid fuel it named from the bunker by feeding it to the furnace under the grill with a thousand spiral screws. It burns coal, wood chips, wood chips and dust, sunflower shell, olive kernel, cotton residue (double), hazelnut shell and similar solid fuels with a marrow not exceeding 50m. In this system; during combustion, the furnace must be watered and the slag must be removed. When the door of the stove is opened to do these operations, the cold air that enters disrupts the combustion for a while and the combustion efficiency drops. The boiler efficiency of steam boilers with this system is minimum 75%. It can be made to burn natural gas and liquid fuel in a short time when desired.

If desired, these boilers are manufactured to burn both solid fuel and liquid/gas fuel.
Advantages of pneumatic combustion systems in hot water, steam, hot, oil boilers with pneumatic solid fuel combustion systems:
The smaller the size of the fuel piece, the more contact with the air (oxygen) and the better the combustion. Pneumatic combustion and fluidized bed combustion systems are examples of this. In the pneumatic combustion system; when the fuel is turbulently sent into the furnace, small particles burn in the air as they fall on the grill in circles inside the furnace. Large pieces complete their combustion on the grill. When the part accumulated on the grill is mixed well, it burns very well. With this system, 0..20mm in size, cheap powdered coal, tree dust, sunflower shells, shredded paper scraps, cotton scraps etc, waste, shredded fabric scraps are successfully incinerated.